
Essay writing is a critical skill. The most important essay types are part of our flagship program for modeling and developing effective writing, READ UP, WRITE NOW! Developed for students ages 13-17, it equips teens with the reading, writing, and thinking skills necessary for them to succeed and stand out in school and in life.

  • 6+1 Writing Traits. Lessons on critical aspects of writing – Voice, Ideas, Presentation, Conventions, Organization, Word Choice, and Sentence Fluency – are how we teach, model, and assess the instruction of writing. 

  • Use of model text. Through a literature-based approach of using model text as a springboard, students learn what good writing is, and aim to achieve the same.

  • Blended learning. Each 8-hour module combines synchronous lectures and engaging, asynchronous assignments.

READ UP, WRITE NOW! has 6 modules for different types of essays:


Students will learn how to write engaging personal stories and essays that will effectively convince and persuade others. This module will help them become better in expressing themselves as they are able to clearly share and communicate their ideas with others.


Students will hone their skills in critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and socio-cultural sensitivity as they understand themselves and the world better. This module shows how to craft clear, cohesive, and insightful reaction and reflection papers, transforming their writing into powerful expressions of empathy and understanding that resonate with audiences.


Students will learn how to create meaningful and impactful essays through expository and descriptive writing. They will learn how to communicate and explain complex ideas in an accessible manner, then how to use words to paint vivid pictures with sensory language.


Students will learn to write advanced essays similar to those expected in college. They will analyze complex ideas with clarity, focusing on cause-and-effect relationships. Additionally, they will master synthesis essays, blending different viewpoints into coherent narratives.


This module equips students with skills necessary to achieve in writing assignments in school, including reports, critical reviews, research work and other school requirements. They will develop the skills required for academic writing – critical reading, annotating, summarizing, paraphrasing, synthesizing, citation-making, and searching for and evaluating references – through lectures and practice.


This creative module teaches students how to write for digital media with a marketing slant and create compelling messages for a profile, brand, or advocacy! They will practice fun writing exercises to help hone ideation and writing skill, culminating in writing content for a website or social media platform that is strong and well-executed.

For Ages 12-17

March 22, 29, April 5, 12, 26; Saturdays; 1-2:30 PM (Academic Writing module) 3-4:30 PM (Persuasive and Narrative)

Php 3500 per module (7.5 hours per module)

What Parents Say:

Program Description


This module of our popular READ UP, WRITE NOW! workshop focuses on persuasive writing, expository essays (critical literary review), and narrative writing (prose fiction).

Students are given online lessons once a week, and writing assignments to practice skills learned. Work is submitted to the workshop teacher for comment and correction. A reading and writing assessment will be given prior to the start of the workshop.


Persuasive Writing in Focus

* Sample persuasive writing

* Review of the elements necessary in persuasive writing

* Critiquing the model text

* Modeled pre-writing for a persuasive text

* Guided drafting of the persuasive essay

* Writing a persuasive essay

* Expository Writing in Focus

Critical review

* Guided outlining

* Guided drafting

* Narrative essay

* Narrative Writing in Focus

Narrative Writing

* Narrative essays

* Literary devices used in narratives

* Guided conceptualization (pre-writing) for personal narratives

* Guided drafting of a narrative essay

* Guided Revisions and Compilation of written works

Preparing the portfolio

* Undergoing the Post-Writing process (revising and editing)

* Submission of Portfolio

Reflections on the Writing Workshop


Reflection papers and reaction papers are the most common writing assignments given to high school students, and also the most challenging. Aside from being an exercise in critical thinking, students who write reflection and reaction papers are also tasked with tapping into their emotional intelligence and socio-cultural sensitivity in order to come up with output that is clear, cohesive, and thoughtful. 

Read Up, Write Now: Evaluation and Reflection Essays (Module 3) is an online writing workshop designed with this goal in mind. Using The 6+1 Writing Traits in combination with The Learning Library’s literature-based approach, students will think imaginatively and contemplate thoroughly about both literary texts and life events at large. Through a combination of synchronous lectures and asynchronous writing assignments, students will complete this workshop with reflection and reaction papers that showcase insight and empathy about the world around them.


Reflective Writing

  • Ask The Right Questions

  • Sensory Writing and Memory

  • Reflective Writing Techniques

  • Outlining Your Essay

  • Organizing Ideas

  • Paragraph Structure

Reaction Writing (Evaluative Writing)

  • Elements of A Story

  • Close Reading Techniques

    • Annotating

    • Note Taking

  • Thesis Statement

  • Strong Introduction

  • Strong Conclusion

  • Using Evidence


This 8-session module equips students with skills necessary for writing reports, critical reviews, research work and other school requirements. It develops skills required for academic writing through lectures and practice:

· critical reading

· annotating

· summarizing

· paraphrasing

· synthesizing

· citation-making

· searching for and evaluating references


Trisha Descallar

An experienced teacher, writer, and editor. She has been teaching since 2013 as an English moderator and has a degree in Literature with a major in English and a minor in Philosophy.

She loves motivating students of all ages to master the English language through different books, movies, and music.

 Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the flow of a typical session?

Each session starts with an interactive lecture with sample texts and ends with the discussion of the next writing assignment.

Will there be any assignments to be given?

Assignments are given after every session where writing tasks are left with individual comments on improving their works.

Does this class have a manual?

After each session, copies of the slides and other supplementary materials are uploaded on Google Classroom.

Does this course require a student assessment?

Yes. Upon signing up, we will schedule your child for a 30-45 minute assessment via Google Meet.

Is Persuasive and Narrative Essays a prerequisite for Reflection and Reaction Papers?

No, a student may enroll in Persuasive and Narrative Essays without taking Reflection and Reaction Papers.